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The Tūpiki Trust was formed from the shared dream of a handful of well-known climbers, led by the late John Nankervis. They could see the need for an organisation with the skills and experience to attract donations and bequests from those who shared their passion for the mountains, and to manage that money well. Those funds are then used to foster, promote and develop New Zealand climbing and climbers, and to protect the climbing areas of Aotearoa.
Photo: Upper Tasman Glacier by Tom Hoyle
Photo: Crow Ridge by Tom Hoyle
Fostering mountaineering, rock climbing and allied activities in New Zealand and promoting access to and the sustainability of our climbing areas and maunga.
Photo: South Face of Barrier by Jaz Morris
Caring for donations and bequests from those who share our passion for climbing.
Photo: Telecom Tower, Remarkables by Tom Hoyle