The Tūpiki
Trust story

As a handful of well-known New Zealand climbers aged and their climbing mellowed, their thoughts turned to ways to support climbing, and to protect New Zealand maunga, crags and climbing areas into the future. All four were passionate supporters of the New Zealand Alpine Club, past Presidents themselves, but their long experience suggested that the Club itself has some limitations in providing long-term, sustainable funding and they looked for an opportunity to make a difference.

John Nankervis, Geoff Gabites, Dave Bamford and Ross Cullen debated how to shape an organisation that would endure, earn trust in the climbing community, accumulate funds to make grants to support New Zealand Alpine Club projects and other mountain-related ventures. Over several years a trust deed was written, supported by the NZAC board, a name proposed and adopted and The NZAC Tūpiki Trust was established in September 2021. Registered charitable status was granted in January 2022.

The four original proponents were founding trustees of Tūpiki Trust and were joined on the Trust board by Lindsay Smith – then NZAC President. The trustees have outstanding records in mountaineering, diverse successful careers in law, academia and industry, have taken leadership roles in NZAC and other climbing organisations, and on several conservation and outdoor recreation boards.

John Nankervis was elected foundation chair of the Trust board but his tenure sadly was brief as he suffered a stroke and subsequently died in January 2022. Nank had made an enormous contribution to New Zealand climbing, expeditioning, environmental conservation and governance and is greatly missed by many people. Nank has provided substantial financial support for the work of the Trust and we are proud to continue his vision supporting New Zealand climbing, acting to protect New Zealand mountains.

We are thrilled that Margaret Fyfe has agreed to be Patron of the Tūpiki Trust. Margaret is a post president and life member of New Zealand Alpine Club. She has an outstanding climbing record which includes being the first woman to climb all New Zealand 3000m peaks.

The NZAC Tūpiki Trust is now a fully operational reality and will progressively talk to climbers and the climbing community over the coming months of 2022.