February 2023 Newsletter
In our first newsletter for 2023, the NZAC Tūpiki Trust reviews the projects which began last year, lets you know of more exciting projects which are now underway and gives you opportunities to be involved in the work of the Tūpiki Trust.
Project Updates
In our December 2022 Newsletter, we gave details of three important projects which were underway and we are delighted to report progress in all three. The major refurbishment of Aspiring Hut is entering its final phase as the builders complete their work and the focus moves to the internal fitout and installation of the new bunks ready for the reopening planned for the near future.
While work on this project is almost complete, there have been some unexpected cost increases and fundraising is still needed to close the gap between the very successful efforts of the New Zealand Alpine Club in raising over $1.1 million and the total cost of rebuild.
In the December Newsletter we detailed options for you to make a contribution and we are delighted that over $70000 has been given so far. Remember that any donation over $5 attracts a tax rebate and a receipt allowing you to claim that rebate will be sent to you.
Work on Aspiring Hut is nearing completion
The Southern Lakes Sanctuary Trust’s predator control work in the upper Young Valley is well underway and the NZAC Tūpiki Trust is thrilled that our $122,900 contribution will be used to fund much needed biodiversity baseline monitoring to the mahi of the overall project. In their update report late last year, the Southern Lakes Sanctuary details what they have been doing, what they have planned and how they will use the funding from the NZAC Tūpiki Trust to help achieve the biodiversity goals for the 30 threatened and endangered species in the project region.
Late last year we gave a $25,000 top-up grant to complete the very successful fundraising needed to rebuild the historic Leaning Lodge, an alpine hut on the Rock and Pillar Range, high above Middlemarch in Central Otago. With all their funding in place, the Leaning Lodge Trust hasn’t wasted any time and during January enthusiastic volunteers hand dug 24 pile holes and a helicopter will deliver the concrete for the footings when weather permits. With work now underway on the new hut, the original old hut has been closed so it can be used as a storage facility during the construction phase.
Wonderful book launch in Dunedin
Our December newsletter provided an invite to Dunedin climbers to attend the launch of Pete Strang’s book of climbing poetry – Mountain Dreaming – and we were thrilled that over 70 of you came along to celebrate the book launch and the first Otago meeting of Mature Mountaineers. The Tūpiki Trust hosted the event, which was a wonderful collaboration between graphic design student Riley Smith, funding underwriter the Otago Section of NZAC and of course the previously unpublished author Pete Strang.
Such was the interest in the event that people came from all over the lower South Island. Early sales of copies of Mountain Dreaming more than covered the publication costs and, in a move in keeping with Pete’s generous nature, he has donated all proceeds from his book to support the work of the Tūpiki Trust. There are only a few copies of this limited print run remaining, and if you would like a copy ($30 including postage) email Riley at rileychallis@gmail.com .
At the event Riley explained how the project came about and Pete talked about his lifelong interest in recording his thoughts, feelings and dreams in poetry before captivating the audience with a selection of readings. This was a special evening, honouring a quiet gentleman, as he shared his passion for the mountains with an appreciative crowd.
Design student Riley Smith, Tūpiki Trustee Lindsay Smith and author Pete Strang
Mature Mountaineers for Wellington
If Wellington climbers are feeling a bit left out, you will be pleased to know that we will be hosting the inaugural Wellington Mature Mountaineers event 2pm Thursday 9 March at Tararua Tramping Club rooms. Dave Bamford will be speaking on 'Stories from a maturing Mountaineer'.
Dave has a life centred around mountaineering, protected areas and sustainable tourism in developing countries and regions. He has climbed extensively in New Zealand and his ascents include all the 3,000 metre peaks in New Zealand including several first ascents. He has climbed overseas in the Himalayas, South America, Europe and Antarctica. He is a past president (2003-2005) and a life member of NZAC.
Senior Wellington climbers we hope to see you there – please pass the word to other people who may be interested in attending.
Dave Bamford
Exciting New Projects added to the Tūpiki programme
Tūpiki Trust has been able to facilitate the funding of an exciting new project which is still under wraps but those of you who follow Lydia Bradey on Instagram may will already have had a sneak preview. Lydia Bradey (@lydiabradey) • Instagram photos and videos
A core objective for Tūpiki is to promote climbing to as many people as possible and this project certainly will achieve that.
The Trust has also committed up to $30,000 for the project NZAC is undertaking to rebuild the www.climbNZ database of climbs, crags and mountains. Initial work will move www.climbnz to Drupal 9 platform, enhance front page appearance, improve searchability by users, and that work will create a fully-supported base on which to add future enhancements such as personal logbooks.
Opportunities to join the Trust
Tūpiki Trust currently has two unfilled board positions, and we are seeking additional Trustees who will join the board during 2023 to contribute to the Trust’s mahi. If you are excited about this opportunity to make a lasting contribution to climbing in New Zealand, believe you meet the criteria and are willing to commit time and energy to this role, you are invited to submit an application stating the reasons you are applying, together with a short CV.
While the Trustee role is a governance position, during the establishment phase of the Tūpiki Trust over the next few years it is expected that Trustees will have an active, hands-on role and we have detailed the Position Criteria and application process on our website .
If you have any questions, please email admin@tupikitrust.org.nz or contact any of the current Trustees who will be happy to explain the role and provide any details you require. We will particularly welcome applications from Auckland region and from female NZAC members.
Applications should be sent to admin@tupikitrust.org.nz
Next Funding Round Closes Soon
The NZAC Tūpiki Trust’s fourth funding round closes on 1 March 2023 and if you’d like us to consider your project, please complete a Grant Application. The process is straight forward and our requirements are set out in the link on our website. You will need to provide us some basic information with your application and if we need more detail, we will be in touch with you.
Would you like NZAC Tūpiki Trust updates?
If you would like to be kept up to date with developments at the Tūpiki Trust, just email us at admin@tupikitrust.org.nz to be added to our mailing list. We promise not to swamp your inbox with inappropriate SPAM, and we won’t sell or give your email address to anyone else, but we would like to keep your informed as we continue our progress.
Contact details
The NZAC Tūpiki Trust, P O Box 786, Christchurch
Email: admin@tupikitrust.org.nz Website: www.tupikitrust.org.nz
The Tūpiki Trustees
Patron: Margaret Fyfe
Ross Cullen - Chair 021 294 6819, ross.cullen@lincoln.ac.nz
Dave Bamford 027 457 0313, dave@davebamford.co.nz
Geoff Gabites 029 231 0434, geoff@cyclejourneys.co.nz
Clare Kearney 0277387629 cm.kearney7@gmail.com
Lindsay Smith 027 404 8911, challispoint@gmail.com